State By State Medical Records Copying Fees

The following is a listing, by state, of what healthcare providers will charge consumers for their medical records:


Search Fee: $5.00
Pages 1 – 25 : $1.00 per page
Pages 26+ : $0.50 per page
X-rays / Other Media: Actual cost of reproduction


Search Fee: $25.42
Pages 1 – 50 : $1.25
Pages 51 – 100 : $0.96
Pages 101+ : $0.62


Search Fee : $15.00
Pages 1 – 25 : $0.50
Pages 26+ : $0.25
Storage Fee : A reasonable fee may be charged if records are stored off-site.


Pages 1+ : $0.25 per page
Microfilm : $0.50 per page
X-rays : Actual cost of reproduction


Search Fee : $18.53 flat fee (First ten pages or fewer)
Pages 11 – 40 : $0.85 per page
Pages 41+ : $0.57 per page
Microfilm : $1.50 per page


Pages 1+ : $0.65 per page


Paper or Electronic Records:
Pages 1 – 10 : $2.00 per page
Pages 11 – 20 : $1.00 per page
Pages 21 – 60 : $0.90 per page
Pages 61+ : $0.50 per page
Microfilm and other media : Actual cost of reproduction

Worker’s Comp:
Search Fee : $25.00
Pages 1 – 20 : $1.25 per page
Pages 21 – 60 : $0.90 per page
Pages 61+ : $0.30 per page


Search Fee : $1.00 (Per year per request)
Pages 1+ : $1.00 per page
Microfilm : $2.00 per page

Worker’s Comp:
Pages 1+ : $0.50 per page


Search Fee : $25.88
Pages 1 – 20 : $0.97 per page
Pages 21 – 100 : $ 0.83 per page
Pages 101+ : $0.66 per page
Certification Fee : $9.70

Worker’s Comp:
Search Fee : $30.00 flat fee (first 150 pages)
Pages 151+ : $0.20 per page
X-rays: $9.50 per copy


A reasonable fee may be charged.


Search Fee : $28.44
Pages 1 – 25 : $1.07 per page
Pages 26 – 50 : $0.71 per page
Pages 50+ : $0.36 per page
Microfilm or other media : $1.78 per page


Search Fee : $20.00 flat fee (first 10 pages)
Pages 11 – 50 : $0.50 per page
Pages 51+ : $0.25 per page
Microfilm and other media : $1.25 per page
Rush Fee : Additional $10 if request is completed / sent within two days


A reasonable fee may be charged.

Worker’s Comp:
$20 for 1 – 20 pages
$20 plus $1 per page for 21 – 30 pages
$30 plus $0.50 per page for 31 – 100 pages
$65 plus $0.25 per page for 101 – 200 pages
$90 plus $0.10 per page for 201+ pages


A “cost based fee” may be charged.

Worker’s Comp:
Pages 1 – 10 : $16.00 flat fee
Pages 11 – 50 : $12.00 flat fee (+ $16.00 = $28.00 total)
Pages 50+ : $0.35 per page


First copy of records is FREE to the patient.
A second copy of records requested by the same patient for the same records : $1.00 per page

Worker’s Comp:
Pages 1+ : $0.50 per page


Paper & Microfilm Records
Search Fee : $25.00
Pages 1 – 25 : $1.00 per page
Pages 26 – 350 : $0.50 per page
Pages 351+ : $0.25 per page

Electronic Records
Search Fee : $ 25.00
Pages 1 – 25 : $1.00 per page
Pages 26 – 350 : $0.50 per page
Pages 351+ : $0.25 per page
Max Fee : $100.00 per request

$20 flat fee (for hospitals) + reasonable production costs
$10 flat fee (for all other healthcare providers) + reasonable production costs

Worker’s Comp
First Request : Free
Second Request : $0.50 per page


Paper Records
Page 1 : $5.00
Pages 2+ : $0.45 per page
Max Fee : $250.00 per request

Electronic Records
A reasonable fee may be charged.
Max Fee : $150.00 per request


Search Fee : $22.88
Pages 1+ : $0.76 per page


Search Fee : $15.00
Pages 1 – 100 : $0.50 per page
Pages 100+ : $0.25 per page
X-rays and other media : Actual cost of reproduction
Social Security : No charge for a request to support a claim under the social security act. Must be specified in the request letter.


Search Fee : $25.06
Pages 1 – 20 : $1.25 per page
Pages 21 – 50 : $0.63 per page
Pages 51+ : $0.25 per page
NOTE: “A ‘patient’, as defined by this rule, shall not be charged the initial fee for the patient’s own medical record. However, a patient can be charged the other permitted fees (e.g. the per page fees).”


Search Fee: $17.96
Pages 1+ : $1.35 per page
X-rays : $10 Search Fee + the actual per page cost of reproduction

Worker’s Comp:
Records Requested For Dates of Injury Only:
Pages 1+ : $0.75 per page

Records Requested For Dates Prior To / Outside of Injury:
Search Fee : $10.00
Pages 1+ : $0.75 per page


Search Fee : $20.00 Flat Fee (first 20 pages)
Pages 21 – 80 : $1.00 per page
Pages 81+ : $0.50 pre page
Search/Storage Fee : $15.00 (only charged if records are retrieved from an off-site location)
Certification Fee : $25.00

Worker’s Comp:
Pages 1 – 5 : $15.00 (per admission)
Pages 6+ : $0.50 per page (per admission, in addition to above $15 fee)
Max Fee : $50.00 per admission (excluding postage/handling and retrieval charges)


Paper Records:
Search Fee : $25.34
Pages 1+ : $0.58 per page
Storage Fee : $23.88 (Additional fee if records are retrieved from an off-site location)

Electronic Records:
Search Fee: $25.34
Pages 1+ : $0.58 per page
Max Fee : $111.03 (For electronic records, you must charge a flat $111.79 fee, if the total cost of record copies exceeds the per page fee listed above.)


Search Fee : $15.00
Pages 1+ : $0.50 per page


Search Fee : $20.00
Pages : 1+ : $0.50 per page
X-rays and other media : Actual cost of reproduction


Pages 1+ : $0.60 per page
X-rays and other media : Reasonable fees may be charged

New Hampshire

Charges are based on which is greater:
$15 flat fee for first 30 pages or $0.50 per page
X-rays and other media : Reasonable fees may be charged

New Jersey

Hospitals (Attorneys representing patients, Insurance, Subpoenas):
Search Fee : $10.00
Pages 1 – 100 : $1.00 per page
Pages 101+ : $0.25 per page
Max Fee : $200.00 per admission

Clinic (Attorneys representing patients, Insurance, Subpoenas):
Search Fee : $10.00
Pages 1+ : $1.00 per page
Max Fee : $100.00 per admission

Attorneys that DO NOT represent the patient:
Search Fee : $10.00
Pages 1+ : $1.00 per page

New Mexico

Pages 1 – 15 : $30.00 flat fee
Pages 16+ : $0.25 per page
X-rays and other media : Actual cost of reproduction

New York

Pages 1+ : $0.75 per page
X-rays and other media : Actual cost of reproduction

Worker’s Comp:
$0.75 per page

North Carolina

Pages 1 – 25 : $0.75 per page
Pages 26 – 100 : $0.50 per page
Pages 100+ : $0.25 per page
Minimum charge : $10.00

North Dakota

Paper Records:
Pages 1 – 25 : $20 Flat Fee
Pages 26+ : $0.75 per page

Electronic Records:
Pages 1 – 25 : $30 Flat Fee
Pages 26+ : $0.25 per page


Search Fee : $20.06
Pages 1 – 10 : $1.32 per page
Pages 11 – 50 : $0.68 per page
Pages 51+ : $0.27 per page
X-rays, MRI, CAT Scan (recorded on paper or film) : $2.23 per page


Search Fee: $10.00
Pages 1+ : $0.30/pg up to $200 (requires EMR)
X-rays, imaging and other media : $5.00 per page
Postage : Actual cost of mailing


Pages 1 – 10 : $30.00 Flat Fee
Pages 11 – 50 : $0.50 per page
Pages 51+ : $0.25 per page
X-rays and other media : Actual cost of reproduction
Postage : Actual cost of mailing


Search Fee: $23.04
Pages 1 – 20 : $1.55 per page
Pages 21 – 60 : $1.15 per page
Pages 61+ : $0.39 per page
Microfilm : $23.04 + $2.29 per page

District Attorney Requests:
$23.04 Flat Fee Only

SSA Requests:
$29.19 Flat Fee Only

Rhode Island

Paper Records:
$2.55/page (1-10)
$0.76/page (11-50)
$0.51/page (51+)

South Carolina

Electronic Records:
Pages 1 – 30 : $0.65 per page
Pages 31+ : $0.50 per page
MAX FEE : $150.00 per request

Paper Records:
Pages 1 – 30 : $0.65 per page
Pages 31+ : $0.50 per page
MAX FEE : $200.00

South Dakota

No fee schedule currently in place.


Clinic Records:
Pages 1 – 5 : $20.00 flat fee
Pages 6+ : $0.50 per page
Postage : Actual cost of mailing

Hospital Records:
Pages 1 – 5 : $18.00 flat fee
Pages 6 – 50 : $0.85 per page
Pages 51 – 250 : $0.60 per page
Pages 250+ : $0.35 per page
Postage : Actual cost of mailing

Social Security : Attorneys providing that the patient is applying for social security benefits and indigent may receive records free of charge. Proof of indigency affidavit may be required.


Hospitals Records:
Pages 1 – 10 : $48.10 flat fee
Pages 11 – 60 : $1.62 per page
Pages 61 – 400 : $0.79 per page
Pages 401+ : $0.43 per page

Pages 1 – 10 : $73.27 flat fee
Pages 11+ : $1.67


Paper Records
Search Fee : $21.16
Pages 1 – 40 : $0.53 per page
Pages 41+ : $0.32 per page

Electronic Records
For records requests made BEFORE 6/30/18: “Per page fee for producing a copy of records on a digital or electronic medium shall be 60% of the per page fee otherwise provided in this section, regardless of whether the original medical records are stored in electronic format.”

For records requests made on or after 7/1/18: “Per page fee for producing a copy of records on a digital or electronic medium shall be 50% of the per page fee otherwise provided in this section, regardless of whether the original medical records are stored in electronic format.”


A fee of $5 or no more than $0.50 per page, whichever is greater.

Social Security : No charge for any request made under the provision of the Social Security Act.


Electronic Records:
Search Fee : $20.00
Pages 1 – 50 : $0.37 per page
Pages 51+ : $0.18 per page
Max Fee : $150.00

Paper Records:
Search Fee : $20.00
Pages 1 – 50 : $0.50 per page
Pages 51+ : $0.25 per page
Max Fee : $150.00

Microfilm and other media:
Search Fee : $20.00
Pages 1+ : $1.00 per page


Search Fee : $26.00
Pages 1 – 30 : $1.17 per page
Pages 31+ : $0.88 per page

West Virginia

Search Fee : $20.00
Pages 1+ (paper records) : $0.40 per page
Pages 1+ (electronic records) : $0.20 per page
Max Fee (electronic records) : $150


Paper Records:
Search Fee (Only for requesters that are NOT patient or patient’s personal representative) : $22.19
Pages 1 – 25 : $1.12 per page
Pages 26 – 50 : $0.84 per page
Pages 51 – 100 : $0.55 per page
Pages 101+ $0.33 per page

Microfilm and other media : $22.19 + $1.62 per page
X-rays : $22.19 + $11.07 per image
Certification (if request is NOT patient or patient’s personal representative) : $8.69 per request

Worker’s Comp:

Pages 1 – 16 : $7.50 flat fee OR if pages are 17+, $0.45 per page
Certification : No charge

$22.19 + $11.07/series


A reasonable fee may be charged reflecting the actual cost to produce records.

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