Welcome Newly Admitted Students

Testudo in cap

We are excited to welcome you to Letters and Sciences (LTSC) and to the Maryland family. This website contains important advising and New Student Orientation information for students accepted to the University of Maryland, whether you have already confirmed your admission or plan to do so shortly.

Students will be officially advised regarding course registration and their intended major once they attend a New Student Orientation program. Until that time, please refer to information on this website and direct any unanswered questions to:

All newly admitted students must review and complete the Admitted Student Checklist.

All newly admitted students also are encouraged to attend an Admitted Student Open House to learn more about the vast resources and opportunities available at the University of Maryland.

Students admitted into Letters and Sciences are those who are either undecided about a particular major or are still in the process of declaring their intended major.

Most questions can be answered using this website. Remember, students will meet with an academic advisor, register for classes, and connect with other new students once they attend their New Student Orientation program.

To secure your space at the University of Maryland for the upcoming academic semester, you must first confirm your admission and pay your non-refundable enrollment deposit. View your admission decision letter for instructions on how to confirm your enrollment and subsequent steps.

For more information select one of the following:

I have been admitted to the University and am undecided about my major

After Schedule Adjustment (first two weeks of classes), students within Letters and Sciences are assigned to an academic advisor who monitors their progress, helps the student explore academic majors, and serves as a campus resource. All students have mandatory advising requirements that must be satisfied each semester before they will be cleared to register for the upcoming semester. Students are required to meet with their assigned advisor at least twice during the semester, depending on their class standing and status. To assist undecided students, we include academic planning and career/major exploration as a requirement to be cleared for course registration.

The following topics are covered during the advising appointments:

Letters and Sciences advisors will introduce students to resources within the department and all across campus to help them narrow down a major that works best for them. Students have until they reach 60 academic credits (excluding AP/IB credits) to declare a degree-granting major and transition out of Letters and Sciences. Students that are applying to one of the competitive Limited Enrollment Programs are strongly encouraged to declare an alternate major during the application process.

I have been admitted to the University and was denied admission to my Limited Enrollment Program (LEP)

Students that will have less than 60 academic credits at the start of their first semester.

Transfer students who have or will have 60 or more academic credits at the start of their first semester.

I have read the information in the above sections and am ready for the next steps.

If you have not already done so, your first step to accepting admission to the University of Maryland is to confirm your enrollment and pay your nonrefundable enrollment deposit. View your admission decision letter for directions on how to confirm your enrollment. Once this is done you can proceed to the following: